Fire and Rescue

The department is currently recruiting, and no experience is needed. Apply today, or stop by the Town Office for an application and more information.
Dalmeny Fire Department Trains Every Wednesday Evening

Fire Suppression and Operations

Vehicle Extrication - One of Dalmeny Fire and Rescue’s core competencies is motor vehicle extrication. Our response area includes many miles of rural roads, secondary highways and a stretch of Highway 16, making MVC (Motor Vehicle Collision) responses a large portion of our call volume.
LUSAR (Light Urban Search and Rescue) - Dalmeny Fire and Rescue has partnered with the North Corman Park Fire Departments to form a Light Urban Search and Rescue (LUSAR) team. This LUSAR team is trained to evaluate, search, and perform rescues in collapsed wood frame and light steel construction buildings.
Ground Search and Rescue - SAR (Search and Rescue) is the search for, and provision of aid to, people who are in distress, lost or imminent danger.
Fire Chief Tom Moody